Monday, February 20, 2012

Lesson 5 - Inuit Artists

Click on the following links to view the different types of art that the Inuit people have to offer!


Compare Inuit Throat-Singing to American beat-boxing. How are they alike? How are they different?

Inuit Throat-Singing
American Beat-Boxing

Compare Inuit dancing to American Break-Dancing. How are they alike? How are they different?

Inuit Dancing
American Break-Dancing

Examples of Inuit weaving

Inuit Soap Stone Carvings
More Cool Carvings

Lesson 4 - Inuit Clothing

Soon to come...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Lesson 3 - Inuit Homes

Lesson 3 - Inuit Homes

We will be learning about 3 types of Inuit homes: Tents, Turf Houses, and Igloos!

*Click on the video below to learn how to build an igloo and do the work sheet.

How to Make an Igloo

Other Links to Explore:

Arctic Blizzard

Inuit Tent

Whalebone Frame

Whales of the Arctic

Big Bull Caribou

Migrating Caribou